What's an Efficient Way to Overcome Procrastination?
Procrastination - a term we are all familiar with and something that hits everyone! Even the most famous people out there have things they put off so if you think you’re the only one, you’re not. I have been a major procrastinator all of my life, I still am and...
3 Strategies To Actually Make Your Habits Stick
We, humans, are creatures of habit. We always want to do things that are good for our lives. Many times we are motivated to start running or exercise. But motivation only takes you so far. Only when a behavior becomes a habit, true change occurs. If asked how long it...
Optimize Your Email Workflow: How to use Gmail more Efficiently
If you’re reading this post chances are, like me, your inbox is also cluttered with hundreds to thousands of unread emails with the numbers increasing each day, even right now while you’re reading this post. Have you ever come across these scenarios: You had to reply back to an email...